Jednota filozofická
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
ISNS 2017
Submission Philosophica
Nebojme se myslet
Centrum pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty

Doctoral Study

Doctoral study of philosophy (P6101) is a full-time or a distanced study programme for three years. In special cases it is possible to ask for a shortening, interruption or extension. Study program is modular with a credit system. At the beginning the student together with the supervisor creates an individual study plan which must correspond with the courses enrolled in STAG. The main duties include teaching of elective lectures and seminars, publication, participation in conferences and in an international education experience, studying a foreign language, attending methodical courses and developing the so-called "soft skills". In order to successfully complete the study the student is required to obtain at least 180 credits, pass the state doctoral examination and successfully defend a dissertation.

Admission to Doctoral Study Programme

In order to be admitted into the doctoral study programme a student has to successfully defend the Master's thesis, pass the final state exam or Master's exam in the field of Philosophy and successfully pass the admission interview. At the interview, all applicants have to present the committee with a proposal for their intended dissertation, a suggestion of the most appropriate methods and a time plan of its implementation, as well as an overview of the essential literature. Prior to the interview the applicants are required to obtain a preliminary approval from their supervisor with whom they agree on the dissertation topic and the method of its implementation. If the candidates have not passed the Master's oral exam from Philosophy yet, they may be accepted conditionally in case of a successful interview. They are, however, required to pass the exam subsequently, no later than in the September of the same year.

Faculty instructions:

Doctoral studies guide:

The Requirements for the Final Examination

Apart from the state exam students are required to pass two additional exams. One exam has to be taken from a foreign language (depending on the requirements of the particular department: English and German are arranged by the Department of Applied Linguistics, other languages by ​​appropriate departments). The second exam can be either from another foreign language or from a humanities discipline taught at our Philosophical Faculty, also depending on the regulations of individual departments. In case of doubt, it is always advisable to consult your supervisor.


The State Doctoral Examination in Philosophy consists of the oral part and the dissertation defense.


The oral exam in philosophy usually takes place on the same day as the dissertation defense. The applicants are asked to prepare three thesis-like essays of no more than five pages on a topic of their interest or a topic which they consider significant for their professional specialization. These topics have to be consulted with the supervisor prior the exam. The applicants will prepare an oral presentation of these three theses; a sort of a "defense". At the oral examination the Department Board will choose which of the proposed topics is to be discussed. The exam has a form of a debate over the chosen topic. The candidates first present their standpoint in ten minutes and then they answer the questions of the board members. The members of the board reach the final result through a secret ballot.



The dissertation defense takes place in front of the appointed committee with the participation of the opponents. The applicants first briefly introduce the objectives and contents of their dissertation. Afterwards the dissertation reviews are read and the applicants react to them and subsequently answer the relevant questions of the opponents and committee members. After that the debate turns into a discussion which can consider some broader contexts that the dissertation touches upon. The recommended scope of the thesis is about 120 standard pages.


PhD theses defended at the Department of Philosophy, Palacky University:

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Katedra filozofie
Filozofická fakulta UP
Křížkovského 12
771 80 Olomouc



Hana Krylová
telefon: 58563 3183


Úlohou filosofie je začít něčím jednoduchým, co ani nestojí za řeč,
a skončit něčím paradoxním, čemu nikdo neuvěří.