Jednota filozofická
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
ISNS 2017
Submission Philosophica
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Submission Philosophica

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We would like to invite researchers in the field of Philosophy to publish their papers in The Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica. ISSN: 1805-3742


The Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities is an interdisciplinary and comparison-oriented academic journal in English published by the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic. The Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities is a standard peer-reviewed journal with a strong academic board. The journal is published twice a year with each issue dedicated to a specific field of research. For details please go to:


The Journal is indexed in ERIH PLUS and EBSCO database.


The Department of Philosophy has published three volumes of The Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica I/2011,  Philosophica II/2013/, Philosophica 1/2016 thus far.


Submissions for Philosophica are accepted in the English language (exceptionally also in other languages, based upon agreement with the editor). The submission of a paper will be taken to imply that it is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.


The maximum length of the article should not exceed 8000 words including notes. Submission must provide both the full-text and the abstract in English (200 words) and 5 key words.


All submitted articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers. The author's brief biography, contact details and affiliation are required.


The author will receive a letter within two months informing whether the paper is accepted or rejected.


For footnotes, please use the Chicago Manual of Style


The submission deadline for Philosophica IV/2018 is July 31, 2017. The issue will be published at the latest in Spring 2018.


Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the editor:

Content of back issues:

Philosophica I/2011

Local Contributors:


Petr Slováček: Corporeal Form and the Human Soul in Thomas Aquinas’ Work


Miroslav Hanke: “…ergo Socrates est species.” Marginalia to the history of one paralogism


Jan Čížek: The Teachings of Petr Chelčický and Its Reception in the Tradition of Czech Philosophical Thought


Vlastimil Vohánka & Pavla Vohánková: On Nihilism Driven by the Magnitude of the Universe

Guest Contributors:

Javier Aguirre: Plato’s Sophist and the Aristotelian being


Jan Herůfek: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and the Christian Kabbalah


Erwin Schadel: Kepler as a Theorist of Music. His Geometrical Presentation of Basic Intervals Explained in the Perspective of Onto-Harmonical Integrality


Gabriela Matulová: Cambridge Platonists and their reaction to Thomas Hobbes


Xabier Insausti: Krause, Hegel y Kant en la España Decimonónica


Ivan Moďoroši: Theosophy as the highest science for Vladimir Solovyov


Filip Tvrdý: Experimental Philosophy


Marek Szilvasi: Procitne Evropa? Myšlenky o programu jedné světové velmoci na sklonku věku její politické absence


Philosophica II/2013

Local Contributors:

Jan Štěpán: Critique of Pragmatic Reasoning


Zuzana Rybáříková: To be the value of a bound variable is to be or sometimes also not to be


Iva Balavajderová: The Religious Dimension of Jewish Political Thought


Petr Vodešil: The Republican Concept of Liberty in the Context of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government


Hana Dobiášová: Similarities in the Approaches of J. S. Mill and T. G. Masaryk to a Free Society


Martin Jabůrek: Death and Philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Heidegger


Ivan Blecha: Figuren, Orte und die Segmentierung des Kontinuums


Marek Petrů: Sommes-nous libres de nous changer?

Guest Contributors:

Giannis Stamatellos: Eternity in Plotinus


Maria Protopapas-Marneli : La Notion de Luxe (polyteleia) selon les Cyniques et les Stoïciens : Le Personnage d´Héraclès


Valery Petroff: Bede’s Eschatology and the Natural Philosophy of His Time


Gabriela Kurylewicz: In Search of the Unity of Contemplative and Active Life: Thomas Aquinas’ Theory of Music


Philosophica 1/2016


Manuel C. Ortiz de Landázuri: The Question of Moral Evil in Plato’s Republic


Elisabeth Blum: Tolle – Lege: St. Augustine and the Oracle of Hermes of the Marketplace


András Kraft: A Nominalist Deliverance from Error: On al-Ghazālī’s Concept of Modality


Walter Seitter: The Mathematical-Poetic Renaissance in Austria (Johannes von Gmunden, Georg von Peuerbach, Regiomontanus, Conrad Celtis)


Paul Richard Blum: Philosophizing with Past Thinkers: The Historical Dimension of Philosophical Problems


Petr Vodešil: Liberty in the Work of Edmund Burke


Filip Tvrdý: Anti-Scientism, Conceptual Analysis and High-End Science Journalism


Dominika Jacyk: The Identity of Philosophy of Psychology. Certain Remarks on the Value of Philosophical Considerations for Psychological Deliberations.


Vladimír Vodička: Darwin’s Genuine Heir: An Appraisal of Alex Rosenberg’s Contribution to the Philosophy of Biology


Petra Vašková: The Philosophy of Deception

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Katedra filozofie
Filozofická fakulta UP
Křížkovského 12
771 80 Olomouc



Hana Krylová
telefon: 58563 3183


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