Jednota filozofická
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
ISNS 2017
Submission Philosophica
Nebojme se myslet
Centrum pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty





Department of Philosophy


The study of philosophy is suitable for students who take interest in the issues related to the history and the contemporary state of the Western philosophical thought. Philosophy forms the core of the European and global intellectual heritage; not only that all the special sciences emerged from it, but it also laid the foundations of moral and political values ​​of mankind. The graduates of philosophy should gain respect for this intellectual heritage, but at the same time seek to continually expand it. They should also respect the virtues that were an inherent part of the previous philosophical development. These include above all respect for knowledge and truth, the ability to think critically and argue, tolerance for the opinions of others and a sense of responsibility for the values ​​that are essential to a free and democratic society.


The study of philosophy is divided into two consecutive stages. Bachelor's study programme is a three-year, double-major study programme; it must therefore be implemented in combination with another field of study taught at the Philosophical Faculty or other Faculty of Palacky University. Master's study programme is a follow-up to the bachelor's programme. It is a two-year study programme and it can be studied either as a double-major or a single-major programme. Students of bachelor's and master's study programmes have the opportunity to study abroad or to go abroad on an internship, particularly within the European Union but also beyond. After completing the Master's study programme and obtaining the Master's degree (Mgr.) the students may continue in doctoral studies. Submission of the PhDr. thesis allows obtaining the PhDr. degree; submitting a dissertation and passing the Doctoral State Examination entitles to the "Doctor of Philosophy" degree (Ph.D.).


The Department of Philosophy at the Philosophical Faculty, Palacky University has the accreditation to conduct the habilitation and professorial proceedings in which the candidates with the necessary education can obtain the academic degrees "Associate Professor" (Doc.) and "Professor" (Prof.). The Department of Philosophy collaborates on a number of research and development projects with the participation from our students. The most important current projects are Center for the Study of Renaissance Texts and Theory and History of Science Research Network. The Department of Philosophy also holds an annual competition for high school students called Let's Not Be Afraid to Think, which aims to popularize philosophy and improve critical skills at the lower levels of education.

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Katedra filozofie
Filozofická fakulta UP
Křížkovského 12
771 80 Olomouc



Hana Krylová
telefon: 58563 3183


Svoboda totiž znamená být svoboden od útlaku a násilí druhých, což nemůže být, kde není zákona,
ale není, jak se nám praví, „svobodou pro každého činit, co se mu líbí“.