Jednota filozofická
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
Centrum pro práci s renesančními texty
ISNS 2017
Submission Philosophica
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Centrum pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty

PhDr. Jozef Matula, Ph.D.

Osobní data

PHDr. Jozef Matula, PhD (1972), studoval filozofii a historii na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci, kde také absolvoval doktorandské studium. V roce 2001 obhajil na FF UP dirzertační práci Tomáš Akvinský a problematika imaginatio a phantasma. Středověké a renesanční filozofii se blíže věnoval také při studiích v Maďarsku (Central European University, Budapešt), Velké Británii (The Warburg Institute, Londýn), Řecku (Atény, Kréta) a Itálii (Villa I Tatti, Florencie). Od roku 1997 je členem Kabinetu pro středověkou a renesanční filozofii při katedře filozofie FF UP (MŠMT VS97011 - 1997-2001), kde také vyučuje a od roku 2000 je členem Centra pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty při CMTF UP (MŠMT LN00AO11 2001-2012). Jeho badatelská činnost je zaměřena zejména na středověkou latinskou (13.stol.) a byzantskou filozofickou tradici (9.-15.stol.), renesanční filosofii a dějiny tolerance.

Publikační činnost

Vědecká monografie

Epistemologické a psychologické aspekty Akvinského chápania človeka [Epistemological and Psychological Aspects of Aquinas´ Understanding of Man], Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, 2003, 143p. ISBN:80-244-0743-4.


Recenze: Michal Chabada, Filozofia 63, n.3 (2008): 286-288. ISSN 0046-385X

Články a studie:

  1. Neznámý pokračovateľ Jána Ámosa Komenského [An Unknown Follower of John Amos Comenius], Studia Comeniana et Historica XXVII (1997, 57-58): 287-289.
  2. Filosofický slovník [Dictionary of Philosophy]: 25 hesel k byzantské filozofii, Nakladatelstvi Olomouc, Olomouc 1998, ISBN 80-7182-064-4
  3. Štruktúra ľudskej bytosti v diele Isaaca ben Solomon Israeliho a náčrt jeho vplyvu na stredoveké myslenie [The Structure of Human Being in the Works of Isaac Ben Solomon Israeli and the Outline of His Influence on Medieval Thinking], Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Philosophica, Philosophica IV (2000): 112-126.
  4. Florentine Platonists in the works of Caspar Knittel, in Florentine Platonism and Central Europe, ed. by Jozef Matula, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého,  Olomouc, 2001, 191-199. ISBN 80-244-0354-4,
  5. Lorenzo Valla a jeho vízia človeka, [Lorenzo Valla and his Vision of Man], in Filosofia kai synoysia. Sborník k 75. narozeninám Karla Flosse [Volume of papers dedicated to Doc. Karel Floss on the occasion of his 75th birthday], ed. by Přemysl Dvorský, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého (Palacky University Press), Olomouc, 2002, 155-163. ISBN 80-244-0459-1.
  6. The Understanding of Time and Eternity in the Philosophy of Magister John Hus, in Time and Eternity. The Medieval Discourse, ed. by Gerhard Jaritz and Gerson Moreno-Riano, International Medieval Research 9, Brepols, Turnhout, 2003, 221-230, ISBN 2-503-51312-3.
  7. Divinus Asinus: The Symbol of Asinus in the works of Giordano Bruno, in Philosophy of Giordano Bruno, ed. by Tomáš Nejeschleba, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého (Palacky University Press), Olomouc, 2003, 137-145, ISBN 80-244-0662-4.
  8. Tomáš Akvinský a species mathematica [Thomas Aquinas and Species Mathematica], in Číslo a jeho symbolika od antiky po renesanci, ed. by Lenka Karfíková and Zbyněk Šír, CDK, Brno, 2003, 25-33, ISBN 80-7325-018-7.
  9. Thomas Aquinas and the Influence of Imaginatio/Phantasia on Human Being, in Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Philosophica, Philosophica V-2002, (2003): 169-183, ISBN 80-244-0618-7, ISSN 1212-1207.
  10. Georgios Gemistos Pletho and the Idea of Universal Harmony, in Proceedings of the International Congress on Plethon and his Time, Mystras, 26-29 June 2002, ed. by Linos Benakis and Christos Baloglou, Athens/Mystras, 2003, 161-170, ISBN 960-87144-1-9.
  11. Thomas Aquinas and his Criticism of Avempace΄s Theory of the Intellect, in Verbum VI/I (2004): 95-107. HU ISSN 1585-079X.
  12. Immanente Ordung und universaler Friede bei Johann Amos Comenius, in Johann Amos Comenius – Vordenker eines kreativen Friedens, Schriften zur Triadik und Ontodynamik 24, Hrsg. Erwin Schadel, Peter Lang GmbH, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 2005, 381-399, ISSN: 0932-2434; ISBN: 3-631-52851-5.
  13. Byzantine studies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: a historical review, in Bulletin of The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies 31 (2005): 96-110, ISSN 0265-162.
  14. John Argyropoulos and his importance for Latin West, in: Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Philosophica, Philosophica VII (2006), 45-62. ISBN 80-244-0618-7, ISSN 1212-1207.
  15. Analogia u Alberta Velkého [The Analogy according to Albert the Great] ,in Analogie ve filosofii a teologii, ed. by Petr Dvořák,CDK, Brno, 2007, 77-89. ISBN 978-80-7325-115-4.
  16. Filozofia prírody v období Nikajského cisárstva (1206-1261): Nikephoros Blemmydes a Theodoros II Dukas Lascaris [Philosophy of Nature in the Empire of Nicaea (1206 -1261): Nikephoros Blemmydes and Theodoros II. Dukas Lascaris], in „Přirozenost“ ve filosofii minulosti a současnosti, ed, by L. Chvátal and V. Hušek, CDK, Brno, 2008, 111-121. ISBN 978-80-7325-143-7.
  17. Od jednoty k mnohosti v diele Georgia Gemistha Plethona [From Unity to Multiplicity in the Works of Georgios Gemistos Pletho], in Jednota a mnohost. Sborník z Mezinárodní konference Centra pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty k osmdesátým narozeninám Karla Flosse, ed. by Martin Jabůrek, CDK, Brno, 2008, 98-108. ISBN 978-80-7325-????
  18. Science and Religion in Byzantine Thought: Scepsis and Paganism, in: Religio Academici. Essays On Scepticism, Religion and the Pursuit of Knowledge. Eds. P. Losonczi, A. Szigeti, and M. Vassányi, Akadémiai Kiadó (Kluwer), Budapest, 2009, pp.54-64. ISBN: 978-963-05-8707-5
  19. Antiaverroismus v diele Tomáša Akvinského, in: AITHER 1 (2009): 52-62. - ISSN 1803-7860 (Online), ISSN 1803-7879 (Print).
  20. Thomas Aquinas on the supernatural activities: prophecy and separate substances, in: Studies on Supernaturalism, George Arabatzis [Hrsg.], Logos, Berlin, 2009, pp.157-171, ISBN 978-3-8325-2261-2 .
  21. Journey of Soul to Perfection: Nicethas Stethatos, in: Spirituality in Late Byzantium: Essays Presenting New Research by International Scholars ed. by Eugenia Russell, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2009, pp.117-127. ISBN (10): 1-4438-1363-X, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1363-1
  22. Stredoveké cesty k (in)tolerancii : Peter Abelard - Mikuláš Kusánský - Bartolomé de Las Casas, Studia Comeniana et Historica 81-82, XXXIX (2010): 8-16. ISSN: 0323-2220.
  23. Jan Ámos Komenský a problém “jinakosti”, in: Proměny vědění od Augustína k dnešku, ed. Martin Jabůrek a Tomáš Nejeschleba, CDK, Brno, 2010, str. 74-79. ISBN 978-80-7325-219-9
  24. Arethas of Caesarea, in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Lagerlund, Henrik (Ed.), Springer, 2011, Part 1, pp. 97-99. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9728-7
  25. Nicholas of Methone, in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Lagerlund, Henrik (Ed.), Springer, 2011, Part 14, pp. 881-883. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9728-7
  26. Photios of Constantinople, in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Lagerlund, Henrik (Ed.), Springer, 2011, Part 16, pp. 1010-1012. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9728-7
  27. Philosophical Psychology, Byzantine, in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Lagerlund, Henrik (Ed.), Springer, 2011, Part 16, pp. 978-982. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9728-7
  28. John Amos Comenius and his Laudation of Tolerance, in East European Studies Vol. 26 (2011): 209-229. ISSN 1229-442X
  29. Path to Morality: Two decades after the Fall of Communism, in Reconstructing Identity: Mapping the Cultural and Civic Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe, and Balkans, ed. by East European and Balkan Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, 2011, 123-133.
  30. Thomas Aquinas and his Reading of Isaac ben Solomon Israeli, in Universalità della Ragione. Pluralità delle Filosofie nel Medioevo. Universalité de la Raison. Pluralité des Philosophies au Moyen Âge. Universality of Reason. Plurality of Philosophies in the Middle Ages. XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia Medievale (Palermo, 17-22 settembre 2007), Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo 2012, vol. III, 239-246.
  31. Фома Аквинский и его критика учения Авемпаче об уме, in: ΠΛΑΤΩΝΙΚΑ ΖΗΤΗΜΑΤΑ. Исследования по истории платонизма, Круг, Москва, 2013, 394-406.
  32. Marsilio Ficino as a Critic of Averroes, in Festschrift: Renaissance Studies  in Honor of Joseph Connors, ed. by Machtelt Israëls and Louis A. Waldman, Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies,  Florence, 2013, 432-437.
  33. The Fate of Plethon´s Criticism of Averroes, in Georgios Gemistos Plethon:  The Byzantine and the Latin Renaissance, edited by Jozef Matula and Paul Richard Blum, VUP, Olomouc, 2014, 293–322.
  34. Nicholas of Cusa's discourse of tolerance in modern thought, in: Intellectual History Review 26:1 (2016): 33-41.
  35. Two Approaches to Tolerance: Nicholas of Cusa and John Amos Comenius, in: Studia Comeniana et Historica 95-96, XLVI (2016): 26-40.
  36. Isaac ben Solomon Israeli in the Renaissance, in: Schifanoia. A cura dell´Istituto di studi renascimentali di Ferrara 52-53 (2017): 249-257.
  37. Agostino Nifo´s Reading of Thomas Aquinas, in: Divus Thomas 120, 2 (2017): 48-68.
  38. Hranice medzi mýtom a filozofiou v diele Leona Ebrea (1460-1535), Studia Comeniana et Historica 97–98,  XLVII (2017): 349-362.

Ediční činnost:

Florentine Platonism and Central Europe, edited by Jozef Matula, Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, 2001, 212p. ISBN 80-244-0354-4


Academic English for Humanities. Philosophy, edited by Eugenia Manuela Gheorghe and Jozef Matula, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Olomouc, 2013, 183p. ISBN 978-80-244-3968-6


Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica (I/2011, II/2013, I/2016, I/2018)  ISSN 1805-3742


Georgios Gemistos Plethon:  The Byzantine  and the Latin Renaissance, edited by Jozef Matula and Paul Richard Blum, VUP, Olomouc, 2014, 464p. ISBN 978-80-244-4423-9

Konference a přednášky

  1. Florentine Platonists in the Works of Caspar Knittel (Florentine Platonism and Central Europe, International Conference, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Palacky University, Olomouc, 10th-11th November 1999)
  2. The Understanding of Time and Eternity in the Philosophy of Magister John Hus (International Medieval Conference, Leeds, 10th -13th July 2000)
  3. Divinus Asinus: The Symbol of Asinus in the Works of Giordano Bruno (Philosophy of Giordano Bruno, International Conference, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Palacky University, Olomouc, 6th -8th November 2000)
  4. The Meaning of De Pace Fidei for Interreligious Dialogue (Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464), his work in the past and his heritage for the future, International Conference, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Palacky University, Olomouc, 13th - 14th November 2001)
  5. Tomáš Akvinský a species mathematica [Thomas Aquinas and Species Mathematica] (Numbers in texts prior to the year 1600, Symposium, Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts, Prague, 26th - 27th April 2002)
  6. Georgios Gemistos Pletho and the Idea of Universal Harmony (International Scientific Conference dedicated to Georgios Gemistos Plethon (1355-26th June 1452), International Society of Plethonic and Byzantine Studies and Non-Profitable Foundation of Byzantine and Postbyzantine Studies at Mystras in memoriam of Paraschos and Aristea Spentzas, International Conference, Mystras, 26th -29th July 2002).
  7. Thomas Aquinas and his Criticism of Avempace΄s Theory of the Intellect (Thomas Aquinas and Thomism, International Conference, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, 13th -15th December 2002)
  8. Man and Human Nature in Georgios Gemisthos Pletho (The Warburg Institute, University of London, Public Lecture, 5th February, 2003)
  9. Georgios Gemisthos Pletho. The Man and the Universe (Philosophia: Philosophy in Byzantium, Colloquium, The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Institute of Classical Studies,University of London, 8th May 2003)
  10. Otherness according to John Amos Comenius and Modern Philosophy (Alterity and the Experience of Limits, International Conference, Department of History, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 10th-13th December 2003)
  11. Nesmrtelnost lidské duše u Tomáše Akvinského [The Immortality of the Soul According to St. Thomas Aquinas] (Duše jako forma těla [Soul as the Form of the Body], Symposium, Società Internazionale Tommaso d´Aquino, Dominican monastery of St. Jiljí, Prague, 31st January 2004)
  12. Immanente Ordung und universaler Friede bei Johann Amos Comenius (Comenius´ Pansophie als Konzept eines kreativen Friedens, Deutch-tschechisches Kolloqium anlässlich des 75. Geburststages von Heinrich Beck unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Arbeit und Sozialordung, Familie und Frauen, Haus des Deutschen Ostens, Universität Bamberg, Germany, 13.4.-16.4.2004)
  13. Rozkvet renesančného myslenia: Prípad Marsilia Ficina [The Blossom of Renaissance Thought: the case of Marsilio Ficino] (Public lecture, Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University in Ružomberok, 25th October 2004)
  14. Marsilio Ficino and his Criticism of Averroes (The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, The Renaissance Society of America and the Society for Renaissance Studies, United Kingdom, Cambridge, 7th -9th April 2005)
  15. Gemistos Pletho beyond Byzantium and his reception in Western and Eastern Europe from 15th to 19th century (Lecture, The Institute for Neohellenic Research , Athens, 17th June 2005).
  16. Tension between Religion and Science in Byzantine Thought (An international workshop presented by the CEU Humanities Center (Budapest): "Religio Academici: Workshop on Skepticism, Religion and the Pursuit of Knowledge", 10th November 2005)
  17. Od jednoty k mnohosti v diele Gemistha Plethona [From Unity to Multiplicity in the Works of Georgios Gemistos Pletho] (the conference “Unity and Plurality“, the Faculty of Arts in Olomouc on the 7th – 8th December 2006).
  18. Filozofia prírody v období Nikajského cisárstva (1206-1261): Nikephoros Blemmydes a Theodoros II Dukas Lascaris [Philosophy of Nature in the Empire of Nicaea (1206 -1261): Nikephoros Blemmydes and Theodoros II. Dukas Lascaris] (Medzinárodná konferencia, Pojetí „přirozenosti“ ve filozofii minulosti i současnosti, 10.-11.5.2007, Centrum pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty , CMTF UP a katedra filozofie FF UP Olomouc).
  19. Journey of Soul to Perfection: Nicethas Stethatos (the one-day conference „Spirituality in late Byzantium, The Hellenic Society, The Hellenic Foundation, and the London Hellenic Foundation, One-day conference, 18th June 2007, London)
  20. The Internal Senses (Imagination) in Byzantine Thought: Nicephoros Blemmydes („The Autonomy of Byzantine Philosophy”, Norwegian Institute of Athens & University of Athens, 5-6 December 2008)
  21. Thomas Aquinas and his Reading of Isaac ben Solomon Israeli (XII International Congress of Medieval Philosophy Palermo, 16th-22nd September 2007, SIEPM)
  22. Stredoveké cesty k (in)tolerancii (XXVII. Mezinárodní komeniologické kolokvium Mezi konfrontací a smírem, Muzeum J. A. Komenského Uherský Brod, 14.-15. 10. 2009)
  23. Koncept človeka v neskorom období byzantskej filozofie (Medzinárodná konferencia, Koncepce člověka v dějinách a současnosti filosofie, Centrum pro práci s patristickými, středověkými a renesančními texty, CMTF UP Olomouc 26.-28. November 2009, Olomouc)
  24. Bessarion on the Soul (The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, 8 - 10 April 2010,Venice)
  25. Obraz a fantazma v diele Tomáša Akvinského (prednáška, Slovenská filozofická spoločnosť (SFS), Filozofický ústav SAV, Bratislava, 16.12.2010)
  26. Path to Morality: Two decades after the Fall of Communism (Reconstructing Identity: Mapping the Cultural and Civic Tradition in Central and Eastern Europe, and Balkans, 2011 International Conference Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of East European and Balkan Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin Campus, South Korea, 30.9-1.10.2010)
  27. Spinoza´s understanding of tolerance and political philosophy (XXVIII. Mezinárodní komeniologické kolokvium Komenský a soudobá politická teorie a praxe, 12.- 13. October, 2011)
  28. The Concept of Tolerance as a Precondition for the Development of Peaceful Society: Some Historical Reflections (A multidisciplinary conference Academic Forum for Peace, 14-15 November 2011, Wroclaw, Poland)
  29. Cardinal Bessarion and his reading of Plato´s arguments on soul (The ISNS Tenth International Conference, 20-24 June 2012, Cagliari, Italy)
  30. Symphonic Personality in the Works of Lev Platonovich Karsavin (Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Antropologa Rosyjska: Inna Wizja Człowieka”, 24-25 October 2012, Wroclaw, Poland)
  31. Phantasia/Imagination v stredovekom mysleni (International conference: Obrazotvornost: fantasia – imaginatio – Einbildungskraft, 31.10-2.11.2012, Charles University, Prague)
  32. Philosophical Studies in the Nicaean Empire (Nikephoros Blemmydes, Theodore II Doukas Laskaris) (Colloquium series of the Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies (CEMS), Central European University,  17 January 2013, Budapest)
  33. The fate of Pletho´s criticism of Averroism (International conference: Georgios Gemistos Pletho: The Byzantine and the Latin Renaissance, 10-12 May 2013, Palacky University, Olomouc)
  34. Promoting Peaceful Coexistence and Religious Tolerance in Medieval Philosophy (International conference: Individual, Community & Society: Conflict, Resolution & Synergy. Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion and Philosophy,  27-30 March 2014, Osaka, Japan)
  35. Robert Kilwardby a jeho výklad predstavivosti (Jednota filozofická, 23. 03. 2016, Olomouc)
  36. Marsilio Ficino and Byzantine Philosophical Tradition (The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, 31 March–2 April 2016, Boston)
  37. Hranice medzi mýtom a filozofiou v diele Leona Ebrea (1460-1535) (30th International Comeniological Colloquium: Fines – Limes – Termini: A border between a philosophical category, social interaction, and cartographic notation, 12.-13. October 2016, Muzeum J.A. Komenského, Uherský Brod)

  38. Cardinal Bessarion on Aristotle (Moscow International Aristotle Conference 2016: The Legacies of Aristotle as Constitutive Element of European Rationality,  Institute of Philosophy,  Russian Academy of Sciences, 17. – 20. October, Moscow)

  39. Averroes and Platonists: Cardinal Bessarion, Marsilio Ficino, Leone Ebreo (International Conference: Averroism between the 15th and 17th century, 9.- 10. November 2016, Department of Philosophy, Palacký University, Olomouc)

  40. The Limits  of Tolerance in Renaissance: Nicholas of Cusa and Erasmus of Rotterdam (The 113th Meeting ot the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division, 4.-7. January 2017, Baltimore)

  41. Thomas Aquinas´ phantasia/imaginatio.  A Reconsideration of the Power of Mental Images  (Midwest Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy,  Marquette University, 29th  March, 2017, Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

  42. Agostino Nifo´s reading of Thomas Aquinas (The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, 30 March – 1 April 2017, Chicago)

  43. The Meaning of Philosophical Diagrams in Early Modern Books (Center for Italian Studies, University of Pennsylvania, 5th April, 2017, Philadelphia)

  44. Theodoros Metochites´ reading of Plato (15th Annual International Society for Neoplatonic Studies Conference, 14th-17th June, 2017, Olomouc)

  45. The Power of Imagination in Leone Ebreo (Imitation, Masses and Technology: Theorizing after Gabriel Tarde, National Technical University of Athens & National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 28-29 September, 2017, Athens)

  46. Charles de Bovelles on Interior/Exterior Acts of the Human Intellect (The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, 22-24 March 2018, New Orleans)

  47. The Role of Imagination in St. Gregory Palamas’ Thought (Palamas Seminar International Conference, 5-8 July 2018, Veroia, Greece)

  48. Vševidiace Božie oko (Expozície IKONY, HOUR, 30 October 2018, Žilina) 


  1. Alexander Murray, Kdo je kdo v mytologii, překlad Martin Krejsa, Jota, Brno, 1997, 298s., in AVRIGA-ZJKF XLI (1999): 161-163.
  2. Božena Seilerová, O dôstojnosti človeka. Odkaz Giovanniho Pica della Mirandolu, Iris, Bratislava, 1999, 123s., Studia Comeniana et Historica 62 (1999): 230-234.
  3. Jaan, Puhvel, Srovnávací mythologie, z anglického originálu Comparative Mythology přeložil Václav Pelíšek, Praha, Lidové noviny 1997, 399s., in AVRIGA - ZJKF XLI. (1999):160-161.
  4. Idit Dobbs-Weinstein: Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Limits of Reason, SUNY Series in Philosophy, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995, xi+278p., in Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis, Facultas Philosophica, Philosophica IV (2000): 175-6.
  5. Paracelsus: Essential Readings, trans. by N.Goodrick-Clarke, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, 1999, 208p., in Studia Comeniana et Historica 63-64 (2000): 225-226.
  6. Pavel Floss, Mikuláš Kusánský. Život a dílo renesačního filosofa, matematika a politika [Nicholas of Cusa. Life and Work of Renaissance Philosopher, Mathematician and Politician], selected texts translated by Jan Patočka, Jan Sokol, Karel Floss, Vyšehrad, Praha, 2001, 264s., in Acta Comeniana17/XLI (2003): 218-221.
  7. Jan Patočka, Komeniologické studie III, ed. by Věra Schifferová, Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky, Oikoymenh/Filosofia, Praha, 2003, 672s., in Acta Comeniana (19) XLIII (2006): 185-194.
  8. Hermetis Trismegisti De sex rerum principiis, cura et studio Paolo Lucentini, Mark D. Delp, Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis 142, Brepols , Turnhout, 2006, 228p., in Speculum. A Journal Medieval Studies 83: 3 (2008): 709.
  9. Phillips, J., Order From Disorder. Proclus´ Doctrine of Evil and its Roots in Ancient Platonism, Brill, Leiden, 2007, xii, 284 p., in Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, XLIV (2008): 234-236.
  10. Günther, H.-Chr., Die Übersetzungen der Elementatio Theologica des Proklos und Ihre Bedeutung für den Proklostext, Brill, Leiden, 2007, xvi, 224p, in Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, XLIV (2008): 236-237.
  11. Danilo Facca, Bartłomiej Keckermann i filozofia, Warszawa, 2005, 290p, in Acta Comeniana (22–23) XLVI-XLVII (2009): 335-340.
  12. Zbožných duší úl. Náboženská bratrstva v kultuře ranĕnovovĕké Moravy [A Hive of Devout Souls. Religious Fraternities in the Culture of Early Modern Moravia], ed. by Vladimír Maňas, Zdenĕk Orlita, Martina Potůčková, Olomouc, 2010, 157p, in: Confraternitas vol 21, no 2 (2010): 54-56.
  13. Lire Aristote au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance. Réception du traité « Sur la génération et la corruption », éd. Joëlle Ducos et Violaine Giacomotto-Charra, Paris, Champion (« Colloques, congrès et conférences sur le Moyen Âge » 10), 2011, 344p, in Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 65, No. 2 (Summer 2012): 485-486.

  14. Helmut Seng, ed. Platonismus und Esoterik in byzantinischem Mittelalter und italienischer Renaissance, in Renaissance Quarterly Vol. 67, No. 4 (Winter 2014): 1311-1313.

  15. Thomas Leinkauf. Grundriss Philosophie des Humanismus und der Renaissance (1350–1600), in Renaissance Quarterly 71, no. 3 (Fall 2018): 1162-1164.

Stipendia a stáže

  1. Central European University, Budapest, Department of Medieval Studies, 1995-96 (10 months).
  2. The Warburg Institute, University of London, Mellon Research Fellowship, 3 months (January – April 2003)
  3. Summer School, Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies, Budapest, (July 2004).
  4. Alexander Onassis Scholarship, Category AII , Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Athens, Greece, 6 months (February - July 2005)
  5. Summer School, Central European University, Department of Philosophy, Budapest, (July 2006).
  6. Averroès, l'averroïsme, l'antiaverroïsme, XIVth Annual Symposium. Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM), 4th-6th October 2006, supported by SIEPM)
  7. Villa I Tatti, Harvard University, Florence, Mellon Research Fellowship, 3 months (April-Jun 2008)
  8. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea (2013/2015)

Členství v akademických a odborných organizacích

  1. Medieval Academy of America (od 2001)
  2. Renaissance Society of America (od 2002)
  3. American Cusanus Society (od 2003)
  4. The International Society for Intellectual History (od 2003)
  5. The Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies (od 2003)
  6. Società Internazionale Tommaso d´Aquino (od 2004)
  7. Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM) (od 2005)
  8. American Philosophical Association (od 2016)
  9. International Society for Neoplatonic Studies
  10. Aquinas and 'the Arabs' International Working Group (AAIWG)
  11. člen redakční rady Byzantinisches Archiv – Series Philosophica - De Gruyter
  12. člen redakční rady časopisu Aither (od 2008)
  13. člen redakční rady časopisu Studia Comeniana et Historica (od 2010)
  14. člen redakční rady časopisu European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities (EQPAM) (od 2014)



Poslední aktualizace: 19.7.2018

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